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Floating of steel plate in water

Consider a steel plate, in which orientation will it float in water 'horizontal or vertical' ? According to me in horizontal orientation plate will float but in vertical orientation it will not float ...

asked 16 mins ago


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Invitation to Time Traveler's Party

When Stephen Hawkins threw that party for time travelers, he didn't announce when the party was going to be. Instead, the plan was to announce it after the party. No one showed up to his party. Did ...

asked 22 mins ago

Modelling the magnetic field of a conventional tokamak

Recently I have been reading into Nuclear Fusion and the use of spherical tokamaks. My knowledge of physics is quite limited, only a second year undergraduate level. I was wondering how I might obtain ...

asked 28 mins ago

Structural Factor and Intermediate Scattering function

I'm working with Molecular Dynamics simulations. I have computed the radial distribution function $g(r)$ for a pseudo-2D system (the particles are not disk, they have volume, but z-coordinate is much ...

asked 42 mins ago

Can electric charges really be positive and negative?

This question is my extension to this one. Please excuse if it sounds too naive, as I am not a physicist by trade. From the above linked question and answers to it I understand no physical phenomena ...

asked 2 hours ago

Does the track do work? [duplicate]

When a ball rolls without slipping down a track, it seems like static friction from the track should do work on the ball. Is this correct or not? (I don't remember ever having to think about the work ...

asked 2 hours ago

Rashba spin orbit Hamiltonian

I am studying the rashba spin orbit interaction in graphene I know the effective Hamiltonian for RSOI in the presence of a perpendicular electric field ($E_z$) is $$ H_{RSO}=\frac{\alpha}{\hbar}(P_x\...

asked 4 hours ago

Can I add EMF around a loop like this?

I am a high school student. I was solving a question in which a time varying magnetic field passes through a circular region and the potential across two ends of a chord BC drawn on it is asked. The ...

asked 4 hours ago

Lindbladian master equation approximation

In the Lindbladian master equation, one of the approximations is assuming $\rho(t)=\rho_S(t)\otimes\rho_B(t)$. However, if we try to solve the total state in a numerical way, using $\dot{\rho}(t)=-i[...

asked 5 hours ago

Can a Black Hole be moved by lasers?

I've read that an object colliding with a black hole will move it, as it would any other object. Could a laser continuously fired into a black hole move it?

asked 5 hours ago