Bóboli Gardens


UNESCO World Heritage Designation :

YES, 2013/175-008

Type of Historical Garden:

Italian Renaissance Garden, Medici Villas and Gardens in Tuscany


Piazza Pitti, 1 50125 Firenze FI


+39 055 294883







Municipality :


Town :


Place :


Google Maps Coordinates:

43° 45′ 44.5″ N, 11° 14′ 53.87″ E

Opening times

Opening times:

From 08.15 am to 4.30 pm in November, December, January, February; to 5.30 pm in March (6.30 pm when Daylight Saving Time starts); to 6.30 pm in April, May, September, October; to 5.30 pm in October (when Daylight Saving Time ends) and to 6.50 pm in June, July, August.


Visitors' Reception Centre

Interpretation Centre

Associated museum

Guided visits


Educational workshops

Activities for the general public

Parking for private vehicles

Parking for buses

Access for people with disabilities or reduced



Souvenir shop




Nearest parking for buses:
Nearest parking for private vehicles:
Days open to the public:

From Monday to Sunday except the first and the last Monday of each month, the 1st January and the 25th December

Age restrictions:


Types of visits:

No- guided visits and special visits to the Buontalenti Grotto, the Madama Grotto and the Upper Botanical Garden.

Duration of visits:

2 hours

Maximum number of visitors in a group:
Maximum number of visitors per day:
Admission fees:

The single ticket from 01/03 to 31/10 costs 10€ (regular) or 5€ (reduced); from 01/11 to 28/02 it costs 6€ (regular) or 3€ (reduced).
The annual subscription costs 25 €.


It is possible to book the tickets online with a fee of 3 € or by phone at +39 055 294883. For school groups reservation is required and free.

Prior purchase of tickets:

YES, It is possible to make a reservation online bit.ly/2JUypuW

Educational workshops:

– Ambasciatori del verde: High-school guys aged 16/18 work as guide of the Garden after having been prepared by thei teachers and the Uffizi Galleries' staff
– La panchina delle fiabe: Kids and guys from 14 to 18 years of age tell stories and fairy tales to the Boboli Garden's visitors to enhance the fabulous ambiance of the historic garden
– Boboli in gioco: Explanation and demonstration of how ancient games from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance worked

Activities for the public:

– Exceptional opening of Grotta di Buontalenti and Grotta di Madama
– National Landscape Day: Special historical and botanical visits by the Boboli's gardeners to generally closed areas of the garden
– "Al giardino ci si dà del tu": Anecdotes and stories told by the Boboli Gardeners on the everyday life of the historic garden

Nearest cultural destinations:

– Pitti Palace, uffizi.it/palazzo-pitti
– Uffizi Gallery, uffizi.it/gli-uffizi
– Forte di Belvedere, museicivicifiorentini.comune.fi.it/en/fortebelvedere/
– Santo Spirito Church, basilicasantospirito.it

Nearest natural destinations:

– Bardini Garden, villabardini.it/giardino/
– Rose Garden, servizi.comune.fi.it/servizi/scheda-servizio/il-giardino-delle-rose
– Iris garden, societaitalianairis.com/chi-siamo/giardino/

Nearby accommodation:
Nearby restaurants:
Crafts, gastronomy, gift shops etc., at the site or in the area:

Natural environment of the garden

The Boboli Gardens' natural heritage is complex and important: its paths are lined by high hedges composed of holm oaks (Quercus Ilex) in their upper portions and various shrub species below (Viburnum tinus, Laurus nobilis, Phillyrea latifolia, Rhamnus alaternus, Myrtus communis). The inner copses are also made up mostly of holm-oaks, though a number of deciduous plants are also represented: plane trees, cedars and cypresses.
The potted citrus collection is amongst the largest in Europe, and the roses of the Island Pond and the Lemon House garden include many ancient and exquisite varieties. The Upper Botanical Garden also holds an interesting collection of acquatic plants.

Historical background of the garden

Directly behind Pitti Palace, in the eatrh of the Florence old town centre, are the Boboli Gardens. The Medici family established the layout of the gardens, creating the Italian garden style that would become a model for many European courts. The vast green expanse with a formal layout is a real outdoor museum, populated by ancient and Renaissance statues. The Gardens are also adorned with grottos, the most important of which is the famous grotto realized by Bernardo Buontalenti, as well as large fountains, such as the Fountain of Neptune and the Fountain of the Ocean. The subsequent Habsburg-Lorraine and Savoy dynasties further developed the layout, extending the boundaries that flank the ancient city walls until Porta Romana. In the stunningly beautiful terraced area there is an 18th-century pavilion called the Kaffeehaus, a rare example of Rococo architecture in Tuscany, and the Lemon House built by Zanobi del Rosso between 1777 and 1778. The tour of Boboli Gardens complete the Pitti Palace visit of which it is an integral part, allowing the spirit of court life to be fully appreciated and the gardens to be enjoyed, which, although constantly updated, remain true to their original project.

Description of the Garden

Begun in 1549 and designed by Niccolò Pericoli, known as Tribolo, for Duchess Eleonora of Toledo, the Boboli Gardens are one of the most important examples of an Italian garden. On a hillside behind the Palace, the Gardens are arranged geometrically with a symmetrical, regular positioning of trees and flowerbeds. It was decided to begin the planting of hedges and trees, rare and wild plants and the construction of the fountains immediately. These innovative ideas would make Boboli one of the most significant gardens, worthy of a grand ducal residence. Unfortunately, Tribolo died soon after and the work was taken over first by Bartolomeo Ammannati and then by Bernardo Buontalenti. The Grotto of the Madama, realized between 1553 and 1555 in order to recreate a natural environment populated by mysterious stone beings and animals, was one of the first important constructions. Between 1583 and 1593 a large grotto, known as Buontalenti Grotto, was constructed by Bernardo Buontalenti in place of a nursery designed by Vasari. This spectacular grotto was built with limestone concrete stalactites, shells and terracotta reliefs, with water running down the walls providing vivacity and colour. In 1631 Giulio Parigi transformed the Amphitheatre from garden architecture into masonry architecture with the installation, in the first half of the 18th century, of the Egyptian obelisk originally from Luxor but more recently from the Medici's Roman collections and the basin from the Baths of Caracalla in Rome. The Statue of Abundance, begun by Giambologna and completed by PietroTacca, dominates the whole complex from above. Under Grand Dukes Cosimo II and Ferdinando II de' Medici the Gardens were enlarged by Giulio and Alfonso Parigi to the South, parallel to the Palace within the city walls. The Viottolone is a wide central avenue at the end of which Alfonso Parigi designed a large elliptical basin with a central islet, both populated by statues of fantastical and mythological figures. The Ocean, a monumental statue by Giambologna, was placed in the centre of the Island. In the second half of the 18th century, under Grand Duke of Tuscany Peter Leopold, the first of a series of substantial interventions by architects such as Gaspare Maria Paoletti, Giuseppe Cacialli, Pasquale Poccianti and Zanobi del Rosso were commissioned. The latter was commissioned by Peter Leopold to construct two complexes that were vital to the completion of the layout of the Gardens: the Kaffeehaus and the Lemon House. The Kaffeehaus is a stylish pavilion perched on the hillside and was a pleasant stop in walks taken by members of the Habsburg-Lorraine court; whereas the Lemon House was erected in place of the zoo Cosimo III had built for exotic animals of all sorts. The new building was for citrus fruit trees (about 500 earthenware tubs) collected by the Medici in the 16th century.