
Issue With Ladybugs For Organic Gardening

Live Ladybugs

25 Thursday Jul 2013

Do you know more number of people release live ladybugs in their gardens to control pest in a natural way.  While this is a general act to take care of pest problems, but it is also effective to get rid of predators in a friendly way and are cost effective to use. Definitely, they are going to protect your garden from pests and mites.

Actually, the folks today show a lot of interests in organic gardening which is the best method to control insects without the use of any dangerous pesticides. As there are many ways to control pests, but this is the most effective one to follow immediately, which is easy and good for the soil.

How to use live ladybugs to control pests?

As ladybugs are the friendliest insect you ever find in the garden, you can order them online which will be shipped to you within 8-10 working days. When you receive it, you need to free them in your garden which will occupy their place on the leaves of plants. Their black and red striped larvae consists of an insatiable appetite for soft bodied insects which are aphids, that feed on plants and suck its life.

As it is reproductive, a single lady bug can lay eggs in number of leaves near the colonies of aphids and feed on them. These ladybug species controls the pests by eating them away. Therefore it has been termed that these insects are a gardener's friend to take care of plants in  a friendly way without the use of any harsh pesticides. It is even believed that those who see this bug on their body consider it as a sign of good luck for them.

When to release them in the garden?

As lady bugs have their own nature to act upon pests, they work actively in warm temperatures. So it is better if you release defenders the morning hours when it is cool weather. This makes the ladybugs search for prey in the garden.

Natural way to attract ladybugs into your garden

If you like to follow natural method of attracting live lady bugs into your garden then you need to follow some interesting steps which are quite easy.

  • The first thing to do is to select certain plants which attract the ladybugs magnetically into your garden. It is said that bugs get attracted to umbrella shaped flowers and different species of plants.
  • Maintain organic gardening by eliminating the use of chemical sprays and pesticides to kill insects and aphids. These harms ladybugs and make the pests as poison for them to feed upon.
  • Fill your garden with white cosmos, dandelions, fennel trees, fragrant geranium plants as they attract lady bugs very soon.
  • Give them the food like wheast which keeps them hanging upon the leaves by making the aphids run away from there.
  • Remember to release them before dawn and after dusk  to make them act in a proper way.
  • And finally, drench or water your garden before releasing the bugs as they can quench their thirst to perform further actions.

Hence, use live lady bugs to combat the problem of pests which are killing the plants and spoiling the glory of your garden.

Source: Live ladybugs for sale

Issue With Ladybugs For Organic Gardening


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